

Thursday, October 9, 2014

FWW4 Ch. 3

Ch. 1

Its was Food world war 4. Let's begin with a short history lesson.  In FWW1(1973) nothing really happened just some skirmishes with rifle's and tank's. In FWW2(2012) the whole Indian  Food race was wiped out when raging hotdogs killed all the fire curry monsters with fire extinguishers and then the other country's ransacked India. In FWW3(2013) Japan was totally bombed down with atomic bombs in revenge for drowning half of china's food. Daniel could only shudder at the thought of FWW4(2014). Daniel was a 11-year old poor California sushi roll with Wasabi. Daniel was making his way to the only safety he could think of Sam K the famous Sam that led America to victory over FWW2 and kept America safe during FWW3 now Sam and his gang would be 14-years old. Well they were 11 just like me Daniel thought as he rounded the corner for the 100th time. Daniel checked his GPS and saw he was almost at the ship that was boarding to America. After 30 more minutes of walking Daniel finally found the ship. Daniel strode to the ship gate. And entered his ticket. "Sorry sir but someone else has paid higher than yo for a seat in this ship, another atomic bomb come' in looks like." He grunted. "Refunds at the front desk in food waterways Headquarters in Germany." The Police looked at me in sympathy. Now Great my fate was sealed to a couple hundred atomic bombs from the Russians. Daniel waited for the ship to leave. no he was not about to give up yet. Daniel raced up the docking board and leapt at the ship dodging the view of security cams  and grabbed a bar. The bar felt cold in his hands. Daniel just swung there his light sushi body swinging in the wind. Daniel searched around frantically for a spot to sit. Daniel found a tiny ledge out side of a window to stand. Good thing the shades are down for safety reasons thought Daniel. Daniel Exhausted fell asleep in his tiny little ledge.


 Daniel woke with a booming loud speaker. "Get into your rooms we have a lockdown" The loud speaker blared. Machine guns popped out of the sides and started shooting skyward. bombs rocked the ship but the hull held strong. The back of the ship made a earsplitting screech and broke in half. The machine guns stop for a second then started shooting again but more controlled shooting not randomly. The backup engines in the front came on. Then a 3 osprey's came speeding towards us. 3 planes went down. Then I noticed the pilot. SAM!!!! Sam lowered a rope and I grabbed it and Sam pull me up.

Ch. 3

The ship blow gave with a boom!! The half dead fleet of airplanes went away to regroup. "Few, that was a close one." Sam said. Sam was piloting his group of 3 airplanes on a rescue mission. "The Russians were invading the Atlantic with air patrol so we decided to shoot some down. We need to report to base right now." All 3 airplane turned in unison a drove off. Daniel fell asleep some time during the flight. After some time Sam woke him up. Then Sam opened the drawer for medical supplies. Boom!! A load of squished junk food came out. Daniel grabbed a flaming hot Cheeto packet and began to eat.

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