

Friday, January 31, 2014

finale of a aurgument

I think that year round is bad because summer gives students a benchmark to rest. The reason summer needs to feel like forever is because; it then feels like it’s the end of school for your life. Also teachers would go on strike because lots of teachers get the job because summer is off. The algorithm for better education is not the simple calculation of adding school hours.( More learning days does not make studying better, the only way is to have better teachers. To get better teachers you need to make the Job more appealing not the other way around with year round schooling. Most kids do not slouch and play video  games all day or go to the mall all day; they will play outside and get exercise that schools do not provide. Plus the parents make them read and study a good chunk of time.( Year round schooling also effects  good chances like if you want to be a computer engineer, go to a computer science camp and see if you like it.  Year round schools do not only effect people it effects the state by cutting down tourism, it effects the school by making a/c more expensive, it effects the Jobs of college students who desparitly need one. And here is what some teachers think "... my head was spinning. I never, ever, had a break. In fact, in the eight
years I was in a year-round schedule, a week-and-a-half off was the most time I ever took. There is virtually no clown-time. As one track leaves for a break, a new track comes in. Two other administrators shared similar stories: My experience was, in the five years I was doing it, there was never time when I could get a vacation. There was only a two week period when all the kids are gone--but that is when administrators need to plan. Year-round is never ending. You must live a no-break lifestyle ... stress is internalized. Most administrators are professional enough not to let it show, but it is felt inside. I think there is a tendency for administrators to be less enthusiastic about routine things. I hear and witness the  frustration more at that level."( There are no dout that traditoinal calendar is better.

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