credits to my biggest rolemodel Dylan Packard "People are all, will be idiots!!"
Thursday, June 11, 2015
I'm so sad that I will not see all my friends over the summer..... I'm sad......😭I'm just so sad...
Monday, June 8, 2015
Move up day
Today was move up day. I was good. I am excited to go to 7th grade. It's going to be very fun. I am in a pretty good class.
Friday, June 5, 2015
It's the weekend. It's almost the last week of school. I will miss all my friends. Next Monday is move up day which is pretty good.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
I got Mrs. Kohrman for my teacher next year. The only people I know is Parker Jenson and Brenden Bottrell. I don't have a lot of people I know going to Kohrman.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Band concert
Today is the band concert! I am so excited. I am in the school band and will be performing for the adults to see.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
End of school year
It's almost the end of the school year. Just 1.5 weeks left. Feels like a month. I will probably be happy at the start of summer but then after a while I will get bored of summer.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Math final
The end of the year final is Thursday and Friday. It's going to be easy but I'm still a little nervous. The Spanish final exam is on Friday. I need to study for that one.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Almost end of school! I have to study hard this weekend for the final exam. My teacher gave us a lot of review questions. A lot. I have to do a lot of them during the next week or so. Then we are going to have the actual test.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Today is Wednesday, my favorite school day. Tomorrow is the last day of M-Step. It's finally over!! I'm so excited. School is almost out too. Summer is coming closer and closer every day.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Yesterday was Memorial Day. I just stayed at home. I didn't do anything. At least I got a day off from school. That was good. My friend Ryan went up north so he was not around.
Friday, May 22, 2015
The weekend is here!! My teacher broke my water bottle but I can get a new one for free at the shop that I bought it at. I am almost ready to launch the Indiegogo website that I made for the GaGa project. Our goal is 3000 so donate!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
M-step is so boring. Boring and easy. I have to do 6th grade M-step. At least it's shorter than NWEA. But M-step is so easy. I have to do M-step 2 times a day.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Un thankful
Some people think that to be happy you have to think about the good things but I think you have to look at the bad things in life. So I made a list:
1. The hot sun
2. Homework
3. Chinese school
Monday, May 18, 2015
I finished M-Step for math!!! It was so easy. I even triple-checked all my answers. It was so boring.
Friday, May 15, 2015
I'm excited about the weekend. This weekend is not special, but every weekend is good. I want to do something fun over the weekend. So it won't be regular.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Today is Thursday. Mr. Joseph got Michigan Teacher of the Year award!!! My teacher got Michigan teacher of the year. All the important people came today and visited. It was so cool.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Today I had no energy. It was harder to run because I was sick over the weekend. I felt bad... But we went to court today so today was still pretty good. I was a juror and we were doing a mock trial.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Sorry for not writing, I was sick yesterday. My temperature was 102.8. I ate some medicine in the afternoon ad felt a little better. But at night, it got really bad and I could'nt sleep.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Today we went to the movies, it was really fun. We watched Disney's Monkey Kingdom. It was so good. It was about monkeys that got chased out of there territory by other monkey's. Then they live in the city for a while to recover. When they recover they take the territory back.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The fire alarm went off. I was not informed of this as a drill so I thought it was real. I ran out of the building to be safe. Then when I got out, we found out that it was just the technician snapped the cord.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
We are going on a field trip on Friday!! It will be so much fun!! I am so excited. We are watching the movie monkey kingdom for earth day. It will be so much fun!! The movie was made by Disney.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Please donate. This is your last chance to make me happy again. I'm very disappointed. I want to be supported. I will have to downgrade this blog if nobody donates.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Thank you
Thank you so much for your support for my blog. I was being sarcastic there. None of you readers even donated a penny. So hurry up and donate. I haven't earned a cent from all of you ungrateful readers. Cmon, do it.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Please help support this blog as it is a lot of work keeping you guys entertained with my posts. Please feel free to give a donation of any amount.
$5: Friend
A big thank you and you will be my friend
$15: BFF
A special panda key chain and all previous perks
$25: Epic dood
A surprise gift and all previous perks
$50: Boss
A nitrogen rocket and all previous perks
$100: Ad-min
A free Ad campaign on this website forever!!! and all previous perks
$500: sponsor
I give all my thanks to you because you are boss!! You can do anything you want to this website, just email me. and all previous perks
Post the amount you want to give below and I will give you my PayPal so you can Pay.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
I like erasers
Erasers are cool. They can erase stuff. I like them because they can erase stuff. They can fix your mistakes.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍣🍤🍦🍙🍛
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Ha syc
I just wanted to know how many readers I had. Yay Jude!! I'll give u something random tommorow. Only if you ask me. (Keyword: ByeByeMommy) Do it.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Free stuff!
I am giving away a free iPhone 6 for free!
You just need to reply in the comment box. It's so easy. For an iPhone. Do it.
Monday, April 27, 2015
I had to swim today..... Swimming have is fun........ Maybe.........
I have to swim. I want to stay home though. I have to go to swim.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Friday 2 days till my piano contest. I am scared.
2 days till my piano contest. I am scared. I want to get 1st but I might not. I want to though.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
I have a piano contest on Saturday. That means I will go to the piano teacher one more day. ⌚️📱📲💻 I Hope I win.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
It's too greasy..... Way too greasy.....Way way too greasy.....Way way way too greasy.
Those are super greasy McDonald fries.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Monday again. I always eat pizza rolls for breakfast on Mondays. It's a tradition. I will probably remember eating pizza rolls for the rest of my life. I will probably forget most of my friends that I have now. I forgot my best friend in kindergarten. I always eat 10 pizza rolls.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
This is the first week after break. I am hungry, really hungry. Very hungry. I want food!! Really bad!!🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿🎅🏿 so hungry!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Today was many days but the most important day was the day where I was at recess. It was so fun. There are some hiding spots that I can't tell you but we went there during zombie tag. It was fun.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
I'm probably not going to vote for Hillary in 2016 though. I think that she deleted her own email, twice. If I found out about her email, and I did'nt like her, I would probably tell the public the email or make Hillary look bad not delete it. And even if a hacker did delete the email, I would use a government email after the first time. Hillary also is trying to make it so that CEO's can't pay themselves however much they like even though the OWN the company!!!! That's like if you have a gumball machine someone gets in your face and says YOU CAN ONLY GET THE GUM ONCE EVERY DAY, when you totally own it. I think Hillary should just get her butt out of other people's business.
Don't you?
Monday, April 13, 2015
This break
This break I went to NY and Boston. The hotel had free cookies and free hot chocolate. My brother is in NY and we visited them. It was fun. We went to a cool resturant that had raw crab. (It's actually really good.)
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Spring break!!
I just delete a whole bunch of junk mail. It's spring break!! I'm so happy. I am going to New
York this break. Yay!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
April fools
Today is April fools I pranked a bunch of people. It was fun. I think that April fools is a great holiday. I would'nt want my birthday to be on this day though. All my presents would be pranks.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Count down
4 days till spring break. Can't wait.... Spring break is a great invention. It is fun. Today we had swim in gym. And we went to Spanish.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Today is a very special day. It is Pauline Roberts day!! We had a huge party and Mrs. Roberts was crying. It was really fun and we got cake.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Yesterday was Mr. J's B day. I signed the red poster. He gave us smarties because it represented all the smartness's. He had like a million HBD tweets on Twitter.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The fact I can see it as an excuse for the next few weeks of a sudden it was the best of the best way of the best thing to say it was the best thing to say it was the first half of the year and the other hand is the only thing that would have to go back and the other hand is the only thing that would have to go back and the best of luck with the same thing to say that I have a great way of the best thing ever I go back and the best of luck with the same thing to say it is not the same time as the first half of the year of high quality of life and the best thing ever I go back and the other day I have a great way of life and the best thing.
What do you think this means? It is a random story that I made.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Today is a very good day because it was the best of the year. I think that it is the most beautiful day of the year. It just is. One person is probably really excited right now because he won the lottery somewhere in the world and someone is probably really sad also somewhere in the world.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Today is Monday. Sam got a new IPhone 6 on his birthday. It has a black and gold case. He is on my contacts now. I can txt him on my IPad. Yay!!
Friday, March 20, 2015
Today is Friday. It is a good day. The only setback is I have swimming at 4:30. That is really early. I am about to go to swim so bye.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
St. Patrick's day
Yesterday was st Patrick's day. That means McDonalds had some Shamrock shakes. Did you know that St. Patrick was a slave because he was kidnapped.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
My name is __________ I like to____________.
Fill in the blanks and post it in the comments.
If you don't I will delete this blog so you can't see it anymore.
Monday, March 16, 2015
I like Popcorn because it is yummy. It is also cheap if you make it yourself. Then again a lot of super unhealthy food is cheap. McDonald's is probably the cheapest restaurant you can go to. But popcorn tastes really good and is yummy. You can also eat a lot of it which you can't do with stuff with really high calories.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Math class
Today in math we had a compitition fork day. The winner got a big cookie cake. The winner was Jake Flaherty and he did 192 digits of pi. I only got like 8 or something.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
It's almost pi day. It's on Saturday which is 3/14 or pi day. This year on 3/14/15 at 9:26 am or pm is the only day that has 8 digits of pi. has 1 million digits of pi.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
When you grow up you want to be a truck driver. If you already are grown up, then you are planning to be a truck driver soon. Everyone wants to be a truck driver. But there are'nt enough truck driving jobs. So the solution is instead of taxi's and cars and planes, we use only trucks!!! Yay!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
I like pencils. They are cool. Did you know that Obama will get mad at you if you get m and ms in his trail mix. It's true.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Today is a very special day. Do you know why? I don't know either. But it's a special day so you have to celebrate it. It's very special. More special than a birthday. It feels so special.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
When it was my birthday nothing super cool happened. That's it. So now erasers are better than a birthday.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
We lost to derby sadly. Now we are not undefeated. They were so fast. I want to do tennis but I don't think I can make it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Hello it is Tuesday. On Saturday we did the Science Olympiad Competition. We got 7th place so we are not going to states. This is one of the first times we have not gone to states.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Berkshire swim meet
Today at the Berkshire swim meet, we beet them!!! That means we will probably beat derby and go undefeated!!! Yay us!!!
Friday, February 27, 2015
I am so excited to go to the Science Olympiad compitition. I am going to win because we are going against other alternate teams.
Lit. essay
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school.(school) Auggie has a facial deformity
and is teases and bullied by other kids. Every one stares at him.(bully) In wonder
Auggie makes some new friends. He learns to overcome a year of school.(school) He perseveres
and continuous to. He is very brave. This is A and A because Auggie keeps
on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about how Auggie
deals with the challenges of 5th grade.(brave dude) (9)
Early in the story, Auggie(ugly dude) has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29"(fire) He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague.(germs) He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends.(party) Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.(bully) He even made a Darth Maul joke that really offended Auggie.(ugly dude) One time Jack called Auggie a mean name and Auggie got really mad.(drunk mad dude) Then Jack Apoligized and everything was OK.(friend) (9)
All over the story, Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to.(stares) In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks.(bully) If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave.(chewbacca) Imagine going into a room of people with everyone staring at you every day.(stares) Auggie wanted to be invisible.(mean kids) Auggie’s favorite day is Halloween because he can wear a costume and not have people stare at him.(Halloween) Auggie even started wearing a helmet one time because he was too embarrassed.(embarrassed) You can tell that Auggie really wanted some peace and quiet.(Halloween) (9)
At the end, Auggie had help, in wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him.(principal) But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie.(friends) He punched Julian and ran away from him. Jack had to write a lot of apologizes.(fist) One thing you should know about Jack is that he wasn’t The richest person.(poor dude) But he still stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29"(friend) Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.(popular dude) She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. They called the table the summer table.(table) Summer was also very nice.(Summer) Auggies sister and her boyfriend Justin were also very supportive. One time when Jack was being bulied Justin came over and helped him. Auggie had a lot of help.(big brother) (15)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade.(5th grade) Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment.(bully) Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends.(friends) Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.(5th grade) At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him.(celebrity) Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award.(gold medal) Julian even quiets the school because of Auggie. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time. Everything was perfect.(perfect) (8)
Possible programs:
Early in the story, Auggie(ugly dude) has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29"(fire) He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague.(germs) He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends.(party) Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.(bully) He even made a Darth Maul joke that really offended Auggie.(ugly dude) One time Jack called Auggie a mean name and Auggie got really mad.(drunk mad dude) Then Jack Apoligized and everything was OK.(friend) (9)
All over the story, Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to.(stares) In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks.(bully) If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave.(chewbacca) Imagine going into a room of people with everyone staring at you every day.(stares) Auggie wanted to be invisible.(mean kids) Auggie’s favorite day is Halloween because he can wear a costume and not have people stare at him.(Halloween) Auggie even started wearing a helmet one time because he was too embarrassed.(embarrassed) You can tell that Auggie really wanted some peace and quiet.(Halloween) (9)
At the end, Auggie had help, in wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him.(principal) But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie.(friends) He punched Julian and ran away from him. Jack had to write a lot of apologizes.(fist) One thing you should know about Jack is that he wasn’t The richest person.(poor dude) But he still stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29"(friend) Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.(popular dude) She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. They called the table the summer table.(table) Summer was also very nice.(Summer) Auggies sister and her boyfriend Justin were also very supportive. One time when Jack was being bulied Justin came over and helped him. Auggie had a lot of help.(big brother) (15)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade.(5th grade) Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment.(bully) Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends.(friends) Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.(5th grade) At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him.(celebrity) Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award.(gold medal) Julian even quiets the school because of Auggie. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time. Everything was perfect.(perfect) (8)
Possible programs:
Pages, numbers, keynote, iPhoto and iMovie
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Today we verse crambrook in the swim meet. We are undefeated so far. The only threat is derby but Berkshire beat them, so we either have 2 good teams or 1 really good team.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Saturday is the Science Olympiad contest. I am on the alternate team. It means I go up against other alternate teams. I really want to do good in bottle rockets. I is the one that I think might win.
SS essay
It was ideal to settle near the rivers because it provided a good water source. It also watered your plants. The rivers often carried good soil to plant in. The rivers were surrounded by the harsh and dangerous Himalayas and Hindu Kushan mountains. They were unlivable.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
I'm at the same as the best way to the game is on my phone and the other hand the ball and I have a lot of fun with the best way to the gym and I love you so much I miss the.
Random sentence.....
Monday, February 23, 2015
Back to School
I am going back to school. Break has ended. I am so busy because the Science Olympiad competition is next week. I have to prepare.
The fact I can see it as an excuse for the next few weeks of a sudden it was the best of the day before I get a follow back please I need a good time with the fact I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back to school today is a good time with the fact I can get it right away with the same thing to say it was the best of the best way of the best thing to say it was the first half of the day I have a great way of life and the fact I can get it right away with the same thing to say that I have a good time to go back and I don't think that I.
Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Tommorow I am going to do a magic show.
Tommorow I am going to do a talent show. I won't spoil it but I am going to need 2 volunteers.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Śi Páto él mucho gusto a.
What language is the above sentence? Post it in the comment section and you get 3 Panda points!!
Maze d.4
In The Maze Runner a kid named Thomas is sent to a new world with no
memories of his old life. This world is called the Glade. There are 4
doors surrounding the glade that lead to miles and miles of labyrinths
and monsters called grievers. That is ended by a cliff that is 1,000
feet high. Beneath the cliff is just dessert.This is a book about how Thomas perseveres.
When Thomas get's to the glade he : "It was so weird(p.12)" Thomas tries not to cry. Then a guy named Milo helps him. He teaches Thomas to be a runner and persevere.
When Thomas get's to the glade he : "It was so weird(p.12)" Thomas tries not to cry. Then a guy named Milo helps him. He teaches Thomas to be a runner and persevere.
Wonder actually finished!!!!
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial deformity
and is teases and bullied by other kids. Every one stares at him. In wonder
Auggie makes some new friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. He perseveres
and continuous to. He is very brave. This is A and A because Auggie keeps
on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about how Auggie
deals with the challenges of 5th grade. (9)
Early in the story, Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable. He even made a Darth Maul joke that really offended Auggie. One time Jack called Auggie a mean name and Auggie got really mad. Then Jack Apoligized and everything was OK. (9)
All over the story, Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave. Imagine going into a room of people with everyone staring at you every day. Auggie wanted to be invisible. Auggie’s favorite day is Halloween because he can wear a costume and not have people stare at him. Auggie even started wearing a helmet one time because he was too embarrassed. You can tell that Auggie really wanted some peace and quiet. (9)
At the end, Auggie had help, in wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him. But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He punched Julian and ran away from him. Jack had to write a lot of apologizes. One thing you should know about Jack is that he wasn’t The richest person. But he still stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular. She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. They called the table the summer table. Summer was also very nice. Auggies sister and her boyfriend Justin were also very supportive. One time when Jack was being bulied Justin came over and helped him. Auggie had a lot of help. (15)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade. At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him. Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award. Julian even quiets the school because of Auggie. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time. Everything was perfect. (8)
Early in the story, Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable. He even made a Darth Maul joke that really offended Auggie. One time Jack called Auggie a mean name and Auggie got really mad. Then Jack Apoligized and everything was OK. (9)
All over the story, Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave. Imagine going into a room of people with everyone staring at you every day. Auggie wanted to be invisible. Auggie’s favorite day is Halloween because he can wear a costume and not have people stare at him. Auggie even started wearing a helmet one time because he was too embarrassed. You can tell that Auggie really wanted some peace and quiet. (9)
At the end, Auggie had help, in wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him. But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He punched Julian and ran away from him. Jack had to write a lot of apologizes. One thing you should know about Jack is that he wasn’t The richest person. But he still stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular. She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. They called the table the summer table. Summer was also very nice. Auggies sister and her boyfriend Justin were also very supportive. One time when Jack was being bulied Justin came over and helped him. Auggie had a lot of help. (15)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade. At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him. Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award. Julian even quiets the school because of Auggie. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time. Everything was perfect. (8)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
If you feel the need to donate to this blog please feel free to donate.
If you want to please feel free to donate a small amount of cash to this website. The money will go directly to help make this a better website. Post in the comment section with your email and I will tell you what to do next.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Wonder finished!!!!!
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial deformity and is teases and bullied by other kids. Every one stares at him. In wonder Auggie makes some new friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. He perseveres and continuous to. He is very brave. This is A and A because Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about how Auggie deals with the challenges of 5th grade. (9)
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable. He even made a Darth Maul joke that really offended Auggie. One time Jack called Auggie a mean name and Auggie got really mad. Then Jack Apoligized and everything was OK. (9)
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave. Imagine going into a room of people with everyone staring at you every day. Auggie wanted to be invisible. Auggie’s favorite day is Halloween because he can wear a costume and not have people stare at him. Auggie even started wearing a helmet one time because he was too embarrassed. You can tell that Auggie really wanted some peace and quiet. (9)
Auggie had help, in wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him. But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He punched Julian and ran away from him. Jack had to write a lot of apologizes. One thing you should know about Jack is that he wasn’t The richest person. But he still stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular. She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. They called the table the summer table. Summer was also very nice. Auggies sister and her boyfriend Justin were also very supportive. One time when Jack was being bulied Justin came over and helped him. Auggie had a lot of help. (15)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade. At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him. Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award. Julian even quiets the school because of Auggie. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time. Everything was perfect. (8)
Friday, February 6, 2015
Hello everyone. This is written on the bus. So far there are no cows but we haven't even go out of the Detroit yet. I am watching a movie.
Wonder d. 405329
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial deformity and is teases and bullied by other kids. Every one stares at him. In wonder Auggie makes some new friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. He perserveres and continous. He is very brave. This is A and A because Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about how Auggie deals with the challenges of 5th grade. (9)
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable. (7)
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave. Imagine going into a room of people with everyone staring at you every day. Auggie wanted to be invisible. Auggie’s favorite day is Halloween because he can wear a costume and not have people stare at him. (7)
Auggie had help, in wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him. But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He punch Julian and ran away from him. Jack had to write a lot of apologizes. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular. She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. (11)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade. At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him. Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time.(8)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Tommorow is the Ohio trip. Because of Mrs. Fitz we will leave at 5and get there at 9. That means less time at the hotel.😞 We are going on a huge college campus and it is a lot of walking. The good thing is that all the buildings are connected by really cool tunnels that are underground.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
On Friday I am going to Ohio. It is an over night trip for Science Olympiad. We will go to Dayton Ohio. I am in Water rockets and bio-process lab and crime busters. There will be 42 teams.
Wonder P.568
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial deformity and is teases and bullied by other kids. Every one stares at him. In wonder Auggie makes some new friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. He perserveres and continous. He is very brave. This is A and A because Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about how Auggie deals with the challenges of 5th grade. (9)
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable. (7)
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave. (6)
Auggie had help, In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. At first he did it because the princepal asked him. But then he did it by himself. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular. She sat with Auggie at lunch on the first day. (9)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade. At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him. Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award. Then Summer and Jack went to Auggie’s house and had a great time.(8)
Friday, January 30, 2015
Wonder lit. essay d.453
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial deformity and is teases and bullied by other kids. Every one stares at him. In wonder Auggie makes some new friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. He perserveres and continous. He is very brave. This is A and A because Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about how Auggie deals with the challenges of 5th grade. (9)
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. He even invited everyone in the school to a party except for Auggie and his friends. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable. (7)
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. If I were Auggie I would be scared. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "’If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too.’ P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades. (6)
Auggie had help, In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular. (6)
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade. At the end everyone liked him and treated him like a celebrity and took pictures with him. Auggie even got the Henry Ward Beecher Award. (8)
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Feel free to spread this website
Please share this website with your friends. I need 5k page views and I have 3k. I need 2k more. Please!!!! I really need it. It is very important. Please!!!
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial
and is teases and bullied by other kids. In wonder Auggie makes some new
friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. This is A and A because
Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a
book about how Auggie deals with the challenges of 5th grade.
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too. P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades.
Auggie had help, In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too. P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades.
Auggie had help, In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
If you want to stay in touch with someone in your contacts, say Hi every day in your texts. That's what I ussually do.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Today is Monday which means I have to go to school. I went swimming in PE class. I want to go to the school swim team.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
That is when the Science Olympiad is going to start. My dad is in charge of the store and sells stuff. It's going to be fun.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
I wrote this blog for more than 1 1/2 years now. So you should read all my stuff. It will probably take more than 5 hours.
Maze 4
In The Maze Runner a kid named Thomas is sent to a new world with no
memories of his old life. This world is called the Glade. There are 4
doors surrounding the glade that lead to miles and miles of labyrinths
and monsters called grievers. That is ended by a cliff that is 1,000
feet high. Beneath the cliff is just dessert. This is Tough Q because they feel kind of helpless and don't know what to do.
Thomas doesn't know what to do. When Thomas get's to the glade he : "It was just a whole new world. p. 12" Thomas tries not to cry. There is moving walls, grievers and all sorts of overwhelming things. He never even get's 1 answer to any of his questions. Then he goes on a tour that get's him even more scared. Thomas doesn't know what to do.
Thomas was scared. If you got transported to a new world without any memories, wouldn't you get scared? Thomas got really scared and couldn't eat. When he saw a griever he got so scared that he was scared the whole day. Thomas almost got killed by a kid named Ben. Thomas was really scared.
Thomas doesn't know what to do. When Thomas get's to the glade he : "It was just a whole new world. p. 12" Thomas tries not to cry. There is moving walls, grievers and all sorts of overwhelming things. He never even get's 1 answer to any of his questions. Then he goes on a tour that get's him even more scared. Thomas doesn't know what to do.
Thomas was scared. If you got transported to a new world without any memories, wouldn't you get scared? Thomas got really scared and couldn't eat. When he saw a griever he got so scared that he was scared the whole day. Thomas almost got killed by a kid named Ben. Thomas was really scared.
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial
and is teases and bullied by other kids. In wonder Auggie makes some new
friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. This is A and A because
Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a
book about how Auggie deals with the challenges of 5th grade.
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too. P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades.
Auggie had help, In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.
Auggie has to deal with the challenge of getting bullied. In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie a lot, Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.
Auggie had to deal with everyone's stares to. In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too. P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades.
Auggie had help, In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. Auggie dealt with this challenge in a very good way. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Back to schools
I'm back at school. I keep thinking its a Monday. Hope you enjoyed your Monday off cause I did. Toland came over and we had fun.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Toland is coming over on MLK day. Hopefully if there is still enough snow we can go sledding on my hill. I want to have snow on Monday but it's supposed to be 37 degrees outside.
Maze D. 3
In The Maze Runner a kid named Thomas is sent to a new world with no
memories of his old life. This world is called the Glade. There are 4
doors surrounding the glade that lead to miles and miles of labyrinths
and monsters called grievers. That is ended by a cliff that is 1,000
feet high. Beneath the cliff is just dessert. This is Tough Q because they feel kind of helpless and don't know what to do.
When Thomas get's to the glade he : "It was so weird" Thomas tries not to cry.
When Thomas get's to the glade he : "It was so weird" Thomas tries not to cry.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Ohio trip
For ScienceOlympiad we are going to Ohio. It's a one night trip with a charter bus. It's going to be fun. It costs 30dollars which is cheaper than the food that you get.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Maze Dr. 2
In The Maze Runner a kid named Thomas is sent to a new world with no
memories of his old life. This world is called the Glade. There are 4
doors surrounding the glade that lead to miles and miles of labyrinths
and monsters called grievers. That is ended by a cliff that is 1,000
feet high. Beneath the cliff is just dessert. This is a book of how
Thomas and the other Gladers escape from the trials of the maze.
The one thing you learn from entering the glade is how they persevere, even when all there memories are taken and surrounded by a dangerous and unsolvable maze, they still work hard to make there own food and survive. When Thomas goes to the glade, he wants to be a runner. Thomas: "'I want to be a runner'"p.12 A runner means you go into the maze and try to solve it. This takes a lot of guts and perseverance.
The one thing you learn from entering the glade is how they persevere, even when all there memories are taken and surrounded by a dangerous and unsolvable maze, they still work hard to make there own food and survive. When Thomas goes to the glade, he wants to be a runner. Thomas: "'I want to be a runner'"p.12 A runner means you go into the maze and try to solve it. This takes a lot of guts and perseverance.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Why llama unicorns are better than you!!
First of all they are super rare, not like you!! There are like 7 billion people out there so unicorn llamas are much more important. Second they are fluffy and can spear Poeples.
Monday, January 12, 2015
iPad Air 2
I finnaly got done figuring out how to use all the cool things on my IPad like Touch ID and other stuff. There is so many applications on my IPad it's not even funny. I had to go through settings all the way to check everything out.
The Maze Runner lit. essay (draft 1)
In The Maze Runner a kid named Thomas is sent to a new world with no memories of his old life. This world is called the Glade. There are 4 doors surrounding the glade that lead to miles and miles of labyrinths and monsters called grievers. That is ended by a cliff that is 1,000 feet high. Beneath the cliff is just dessert. This is a book of how Thomas and the other Gladers escape from the trials of the maze.
The one thing you learn from entering the glade is how they persevere, even when all there memories are taken and surrounded by a dangerous and unsolvable maze, they still work hard to make there own food and survive. When Thomas goes to the glade, he wants to be a runner. Thomas: "'I want to be a runner'"p.12 A runner means you go into the maze and try to solve it. This takes a lot of guts and perseverance.
The one thing you learn from entering the glade is how they persevere, even when all there memories are taken and surrounded by a dangerous and unsolvable maze, they still work hard to make there own food and survive. When Thomas goes to the glade, he wants to be a runner. Thomas: "'I want to be a runner'"p.12 A runner means you go into the maze and try to solve it. This takes a lot of guts and perseverance.
Wonder lit. essay
In wonder Auggie has to go to a new school. Auggie has a facial deformity
and is teases and bullied by other kids. In wonder Auggie makes some new
friends. He learns to overcome a year of school. This is A and A because Auggie keeps on persisting and having his friends help him. This is a book about
friendship, bravery, and sacrifice.
In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie alot Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.
In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too. P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades.
In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.
In wonder Auggie get's bullied by almost everyone especially by a guy named Julian: "'Were you in a fire or something?' Julian asked. p.29" He started a thing called the plague which is when you are touched by Auggie you have 30 seconds to wash your hands or you get the plague. Then he convinced almost everyone to ignore Auggie. Julian hated Auggie alot Julian did everything he could to make Auggie miserable.
In wonder Auggie was really brave. He tried his best to ignore the bulling and the looks. He knew that most of the kids weren't trying to be mean. Auggie: "If a Chewbacca came to school, I probably would stare at him too. P.72" Auggie was very brave and got good grades.
In wonder Auggie made some very good friends. One of them was Jack. He gave up all of his other friends (including Julian) for Auggie. He stood up for Auggie. Jack: "'Geez Julian...Just cut that out!' p.29" Summer gave up an invitation to be popular.
Over all Auggie, with his new friends and bravery, made it through 5th grade. He survived day after day of Julians torment. Jack stood up for Auggie even after he lost all his friends. Summer could have been popular. Auggie kept persisting. All of this contributed in helping Auggie get through 5th grade.
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